Osvaldo Osório
- Poesia

Osvaldo Osório, under the literary pseudonym of Osvaldo Alcântara Medina Custódio. Born in Mindelo on November 25, 1937, he is distinguished as a poet and short story writer, being one of the founders of the Caderno de Cultura of Notícias de Cabo Verde, Sèlo. He did his secondary education and the Nazarene seminar, having held various professional positions, as a radio worker, civil servant, commercial employee, president of the Union of Trade Unions, director of the "Supplement of Poetry of the 80s", Voz di Povo, co-founder of the Seló culture page, where he began his activity as poet and prose writer.
As a result of his political activities, closely linked to cultural actions during the Salazar regime, Osvaldo Osório was arrested twice.
Osvaldo Osório, under the literary pseudonym of Osvaldo Alcântara Medina Custódio. Born in Mindelo on November 25, 1937, he is distinguished as a poet and short story writer, being one of the founders of the Caderno de Cultura of Notícias de Cabo Verde, Sèlo. He did his secondary education and the Nazarene seminar, having held various professional positions, as a radio worker, civil servant, commercial employee, president of the Union of Trade Unions, director of the "Supplement of Poetry of the 80s", Voz di Povo, co-founder of the Seló culture page, where he began his activity as poet and prose writer.
As a result of his political activities, closely linked to cultural actions during the Salazar regime, Osvaldo Osório was arrested twice.