Maria de Lurdes Figueiredo Araújo Vieira (Lurdes Vieira)
- ceramista

Lurdes Vieira was born in 1924 in Mindelo and was raised in Praia. At the age of 17 she headed with her parents and siblings to Angola. It was only at the age of 60 that, raising her children, Lourdes Vieira, who was a civil servant, began to develop her talent. Her first work was the bust of an old man, who revealed Lurdes Vieira's artistic ability to mould clay.
Among the many pieces that she made and that tell a Cape Verdean daily life, are “Mãe crioula amamentando o seu filho”, "Menino bambudo", "Menino Triste", "a Bênção", "Mulheres do Batuque", "Tocatina", "Cola San Jon", "Contadeira de histórias", "Mulher grande fumando o seu canhoto", "A vendedeira de atum" and many others.
Lurdes Vieira was born in 1924 in Mindelo and was raised in Praia. At the age of 17 she headed with her parents and siblings to Angola. It was only at the age of 60 that, raising her children, Lourdes Vieira, who was a civil servant, began to develop her talent. Her first work was the bust of an old man, who revealed Lurdes Vieira's artistic ability to mould clay.
Among the many pieces that she made and that tell a Cape Verdean daily life, are “Mãe crioula amamentando o seu filho”, "Menino bambudo", "Menino Triste", "a Bênção", "Mulheres do Batuque", "Tocatina", "Cola San Jon", "Contadeira de histórias", "Mulher grande fumando o seu canhoto", "A vendedeira de atum" and many others.