Gilberto Sabino Êvora
- Religião
- Poesia

Reverend Gilberto Évora was born on the island of São Vicente on 20 March 1926. A man of faith, he is part of the first class of Cape Verdean pastors graduated from the Nazarene Seminary of Cape Verde in 1954 and retired in 1987. He was the second National District Superintendent, author of two poetic works on the market, of a religious nature, "Faíscas do Braseiro" and "Pétalas do Horto". He died on 13th October 2016 at the age of 90.
The Reverend is known by all for the service he has always provided to religion, but also for the active way in which he has served the country socially, with regard to fighting poverty through the creation of the "Crusade of Good Will" NGO, which supported around 700 people daily for food, in addition to the "Fourth Solidarity", created to help and encourage people to think about the problems of the island of Sal.
He was a Civil Servant and held the position of Aspirant in the Gil Eanes High School Department, with Dr. Baltazar Lopes da Silva as Rector.
So on August 12, 1956, he officially started the Church of the Nazarene, in Espargos, by Pastor Gilberto Sabino Évora. He did a good job that when it was transferred the people of Sal made a petition with 200 signatures asking for its continuation on the island.
He was a teacher at the Nazarene Seminary in São Vicente.
In 1972 he was transferred as a Nazarene Pastor at Praia where he exercised a Social, Cultural and Spiritual Ministry never seen before.
In 1979 Gilberto Sabino Évora was the 2nd National District Superintendent, the 1st elected because he did not accept to be nominated but rather elected.
In March 2015, the reverend was awarded, by the Government of Cape Verde, a lifelong pension similar to that awarded to Bishop Emeritus Dom Paulino Évora in 2013.
Reverend Gilberto Évora was born on the island of São Vicente on 20 March 1926. A man of faith, he is part of the first class of Cape Verdean pastors trained by the Nazarene Seminary of Cape Verde in 1954 and retired in 1987. He was the second National District Superintendent, author of two poetic works on the market, of a religious nature, "Faíscas do Braseiro" and "Pétalas do Horto". He died on 13th October 2016 at the age of 90.