Fernando Quejas
- Música
- compositor
- músico

Fernando Quejas was the pioneer in the promotion of Cape Verdean music in Portugal, where he settled in 1947 and where he recorded 22 albums of 45 rpm between 1952 and 1973. He quickly established herself in the music scene of varieties of the time, based on radio programmes with live broadcasts, and traveled around Portugal performing in casinos, various events and in the so-called Serões para os Trabalhadores, promoted by FNAT, which lasted until 25 April.
The starting point of his career in Portugal was, in 1948, the participation in the Programa da Manhã of radio announcer Artur Agostinho, in the EN, singing Brazilian music - which in his youth in Cape Verde was as popular as the Morna.
Gradually, Fernando Quejas introduced morna to his repertoire, in which themes by B. Leza, Eugénio Tavares and Jorge Monteiro stood out.
Recorded compositions: Força dei destino, Sodadi de B. Leza and Mensagem creoula.
Fernando Quejas was the pioneer in the promotion of Cape Verdean music in Portugal, where he settled in 1947 and where he recorded 22 albums of 45 rpm between 1952 and 1973. He quickly established herself in the music scene of varieties of the time, based on radio programmes with live broadcasts, and traveled around Portugal performing in casinos, various events and in the so-called Serões para os Trabalhadores, promoted by FNAT, which lasted until 25 April.
The starting point of his career in Portugal was, in 1948, the participation in the Programa da Manhã of radio announcer Artur Agostinho, in the EN, singing Brazilian music - which in his youth in Cape Verde was as popular as the Morna.
Gradually, Fernando Quejas introduced morna to his repertoire, in which themes by B. Leza, Eugénio Tavares and Jorge Monteiro stood out.
Recorded compositions: Força dei destino, Sodadi de B. Leza and Mensagem creoula.