Euclides Burgo Correia Tavares (Djodja)
- Compositor

Son of Gregório Correia Tavares and Inês Baptista de Burgo Correia Tavares Euclides Euricles de Burgo Correia Tavares, was born in Plateau - Praia, on 26th December 1934 and died in the same city, after a long illness, on 10th February 1999. Soccer player, playing in the forward/center position, wore in Praia the jerseys of the teams of Os Nazarenos, which only played on Saturdays, reserving sundays, and Os Travadores. In 1958, he left for Guinea, taken by his brother, João Burgo Tavares, who was also a football player. In this then Portuguese province, his football skills led him to wear the jersey of the Benfica de Bissau and Ultramarina clubs.
An employee in Guinea from the offices of the Overseas Commercial Firm, Djodja only returned definitively to Cape Verde after the national independence in 1975. He moved to Rua Serpa Pinto, in Plateau, and became an employee of the Cape Verdean Olympic Committee, under the supervision of the ministry that oversees the sports area. A singer par excellence, Djodja joined the Orfeão da Igreja do Nazareno, in Praia, very early on, where he developed and expanded his vocal capacity until he became one of his soloists. To tell the truth, it can be said that this choir has trained many people in the art of initiation and development of singing.
Endowed with a great passion for music, he did not waste the opportunity to demonstrate his vocal capacity, which led him to participate in several contests of voices held, both in Praia and Bissau.
Mornas "Zizi", better known as "Oh! mar" with verses "Oh! mar, Oh! mar/Bu leban' nha cretcheu/Bem flan' cusé qué flábu/Pâ matan magua di sodádi/, many times attributed to Eugénio Tavares due to the identification of the record E. Tavares - by Euclides Tavares -; "Cabo Verde nha berço piquinino", "Nunca nés mundo n'xinti um dor", "Ingratidão", with its own title "Zinha", highlighting the verses "mininina és bu ingratidão/qui tenen na mar de illusão/(...) Câ bu, temâ cu distinu/ Câ bu, fazi judzo di mininu/Spia pâ céu bu pidi Nhor Diós pardon/dês grande mal qui bô fazen nha coraçon/(...), and many others, are indicative of this fact.
Except "Nha Bolonha" adapted, and very well, from the folklore of Guinea to that of Cape Verde, its coladeiras, do not slip much to the satire as was customary that season, but lead to a repair, thus explained in the section "Xinta-lí": "Xinta-lí/Disposed bu labánta bu bai (...)/bem cu ruspetu bu xintu cu djetu/Pâ nos alegria/Pâ nu brincca só sábi/ Nôs di Santiago, Praia, cidade, capital/ nos nu câ brincadera/nu câ gosta di xuxadera/(...).
The Morna "Violão tchorâ", which escapes the vehicular pattern of its themes - love -, is one of the compositions that immortalized Djodja. But it was the colladeira "Nha Bolonha" that made him famous.
Son of Gregório Correia Tavares and Inês Baptista de Burgo Correia Tavares Euclides Euricles de Burgo Correia Tavares, was born in Plateau - Praia, on 26th December 1934 and died in the same city, after a long illness, on 10th February 1999. Soccer player, playing in the forward/center position, wore in Praia the jerseys of the teams of Os Nazarenos, which only played on Saturdays, reserving sundays, and Os Travadores. In 1958, he left for Guinea, taken by his brother, João Burgo Tavares, who was also a football player. In this then Portuguese province, his football skills led him to wear the jersey of the Benfica de Bissau and Ultramarina clubs.
An employee in Guinea from the offices of the Overseas Commercial Firm, Djodja only returned definitively to Cape Verde after the national independence in 1975. He moved to Rua Serpa Pinto, in Plateau, and became an employee of the Cape Verdean Olympic Committee, under the supervision of the ministry that oversees the sports area. A singer par excellence, Djodja joined the Orfeão da Igreja do Nazareno, in Praia, very early on, where he developed and expanded his vocal capacity until he became one of his soloists. To tell the truth, it can be said that this choir has trained many people in the art of initiation and development of singing.
Endowed with a great passion for music, he did not waste the opportunity to demonstrate his vocal capacity, which led him to participate in several contests of voices held, both in Praia and Bissau.
Mornas "Zizi", better known as "Oh! mar" with verses "Oh! mar, Oh! mar/Bu leban' nha cretcheu/Bem flan' cusé qué flábu/Pâ matan magua di sodádi/, many times attributed to Eugénio Tavares due to the identification of the record E. Tavares - by Euclides Tavares -; "Cabo Verde nha berço piquinino", "Nunca nés mundo n'xinti um dor", "Ingratidão", with its own title "Zinha", highlighting the verses "mininina és bu ingratidão/qui tenen na mar de illusão/(...) Câ bu, temâ cu distinu/ Câ bu, fazi judzo di mininu/Spia pâ céu bu pidi Nhor Diós pardon/dês grande mal qui bô fazen nha coraçon/(...), and many others, are indicative of this fact.
Except "Nha Bolonha" adapted, and very well, from the folklore of Guinea to that of Cape Verde, its coladeiras, do not slip much to the satire as was customary that season, but lead to a repair, thus explained in the section "Xinta-lí": "Xinta-lí/Disposed bu labánta bu bai (...)/bem cu ruspetu bu xintu cu djetu/Pâ nos alegria/Pâ nu brincca só sábi/ Nôs di Santiago, Praia, cidade, capital/ nos nu câ brincadera/nu câ gosta di xuxadera/(...).
The Morna "Violão tchorâ", which escapes the vehicular pattern of its themes - love -, is one of the compositions that immortalized Djodja. But it was the colladeira "Nha Bolonha" that made him famous.