Arnaldo Carlos de Vasconcelos França
- Literatura
- poesia

Arnaldo Carlos de Vasconcelos França was born in Praia, Cape Verde, in 1925. He graduated in Social and Political Sciences from the Technical University of Lisbon.
In 1962 he published his only work "Notas sobre poesia e ficção cabo-verdianas".
A statistician, academic, who was in the genesis of higher education in Cape Verde, researcher, essayist, excellent critic, scholar and historian of Cape Verdean literature, Arnaldo França is distinguished as a Cape Verdean who loved, with talent, mirrored in his work, the Cape Verdean way of being. Arnaldo Carlos de Vasconcelos França was born in the city of Praia, Cape Verde, in 1925, graduated in Social and Political Sciences from the Technical University of Lisbon.
In 1962 he published his only work "Notas sobre poesia e ficção cabo-verdianas".
A statistician, academic, who was at the origin of higher education in Cape Verde, researcher, essayist, excellent critic, scholar and historian of Cape Verdean literature, Arnaldo França is distinguished as a Capeverdean who loved, with talent, mirrored in his work, the Capeverdean way of being.
Arnaldo Carlos de Vasconcelos França was born in Praia, Cape Verde, in 1925. He graduated in Social and Political Sciences from the Technical University of Lisbon.
In 1962 he published his only work "Notas sobre poesia e ficção cabo-verdianas".
A statistician, academic, who was in the genesis of higher education in Cape Verde, researcher, essayist, excellent critic, scholar and historian of Cape Verdean literature, Arnaldo França is distinguished as a Cape Verdean who loved, with talent, mirrored in his work, the Cape Verdean way of being. Arnaldo Carlos de Vasconcelos França was born in the city of Praia, Cape Verde, in 1925, graduated in Social and Political Sciences from the Technical University of Lisbon.
In 1962 he published his only work "Notas sobre poesia e ficção cabo-verdianas".
A statistician, academic, who was at the origin of higher education in Cape Verde, researcher, essayist, excellent critic, scholar and historian of Cape Verdean literature, Arnaldo França is distinguished as a Capeverdean who loved, with talent, mirrored in his work, the Capeverdean way of being.