António Conceição
- Pintura

Degree in Fine Arts - Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto.
Born in Vila do Tarrafal, Ilha de São Nicolau in 1970.
Winner of the 1st Micadinaia Prize with mural paintings. Mindelo, Cape Verde.
Presidency of the Republic of Cape Verde, Embassy of Portugal in Cape Verde, Palace of Culture of the City of Praia, Cape Verde, Secretary of State for Culture of Norway, Municipality of Barcelos, Presidency of the Republic of Cape Verde, Secretary of State of Norway, Portuguese-African Company Praia City, Cape Verde, Church São Francisco de Assis do Mindelo, Chapel São Roque de Aldeia Campeã, Vila Real (mural painting).
Degree in Fine Arts - Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Porto.
Born in Vila do Tarrafal, Ilha de São Nicolau in 1970.
Winner of the 1st Micadinaia Prize with mural paintings. Mindelo, Cape Verde.
Presidency of the Republic of Cape Verde, Embassy of Portugal in Cape Verde, Palace of Culture of the City of Praia, Cape Verde, Secretary of State for Culture of Norway, Municipality of Barcelos, Presidency of the Republic of Cape Verde, Secretary of State of Norway, Portuguese-African Company Praia City, Cape Verde, Church São Francisco de Assis do Mindelo, Chapel São Roque de Aldeia Campeã, Vila Real (mural painting).