António Barbosa Carreira
- História

António Carreira was born in Fogo on 28 October 1905, but lived most of the time in Portugal and Guinea-Bissau.
By detailing the multiple aspects that contributed to the definition of Creole identity, Carreira contributed significantly to the meeting of Cape Verdeans with their past and, consequently, with themselves. For this very reason, António Carreira is, today, an unavoidable reference in Cape Verdean historiography.
His interest in Cape Verdean history led him to travel to various countries, where he collected data that allowed him to deepen his knowledge of various aspects of the Cape Verdean past.
The result of his research is present in several scientific articles and books that, even today, are considered the basis of Cape Verdean history. "Panaria Cabo Verde e Guineense" and "Cabo Verde: Social Classes, Family Structure. Migrations" are some of the many books written by Carreira.
Born in São Filipe, Ilha do Fogo.