Alexandre Conceição (Xan)
- Fotografia

Alexandre Conceição (Xan) was born on August 6, 1950 in Pedra Badejo, Santiago, Cape Verde, and has a degree in Physical Education. His photography works have been published in Cape Verdean newspapers as the Expresso das Ilhas, o Liberal , A Semana, as well as in the magazines Afro, Panu di Terra, Uhau. He is the author of poems and texts published in newspapers and collective editions. He has been dedicated to photography in the Cape Verdean community in Portugal for two years.
Alexandre Conceição (Xan) was born on August 6, 1950 in Pedra Badejo, Santiago, Cape Verde, and has a degree in Physical Education. His photography works have been published in Cape Verdean newspapers as the Expresso das Ilhas, o Liberal , A Semana, as well as in the magazines Afro, Panu di Terra, Uhau. He is the author of poems and texts published in newspapers and collective editions. He has been dedicated to photography in the Cape Verdean community in Portugal for two years.